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If you manufacture and ship vehicles, your bottom line is at risk from dents, dings and losses while product is being transported. Each year, the automotive industry ships millions of vehicles and a large percentage of them arrive with scratches or missing parts. Finding out who is responsible for the vehicle is a lengthy process, and TCM, a third-party processor and manager of freight and transportation claims since 2002, is here to help.

TCM and its parent company, Alliance Inspection Management (AiM), have been inspecting and processing claims electronically for automotive manufacturers since 1994 for manufacturers including Chrysler, Ford, GM, Honda and Nissan.

TCM handles the burdensome management of claims processing by using its proprietary web-based software, MatchClaim. Through MatchClaim, customers can:

  • View each inspection report that occurred during the transportation process
  • Monitor the status of claims at anytime
  • Generate reports online, such as:
    • Claims status
    • Claims collections
    • Damage trends by products and shipping locations
    • Carrier performance
    • Recurring areas of damages
  • Address problem areas and develop plans of action to reduce future claims
  • Lease the MatchClaim software, or have TCM design a management program to meet specific needs
  • Enhance customer service and protect bottom lines

No matter the volume of freight claims, large or small, TCM will recover losses, speed up recovery time and save you money.

Let TCM demonstrate how we can lower your administrative costs while improving the management of the entire claims process. Contact us today for an online demonstration of MatchClaim.